What was once known as the World Wide Web has now evolved to become the World Wide Ad Honey Pot. What was once a beautiful and seamless delivery mechanism for information has now become a sticky, hot, confusing mess designed to drive traffic to advertiser’s landing pages by pushing content delivery into the background.
Take a moment and think about the world’s greatest news brands. What have you come up with? Was it The Wall Street Journal? What about The New York Times? The Washington Post? When we think of renowned “journalism,” they certainly come to mind. But, all of these world-class news organizations have one thing in common, and it’s not their Pulitzer-worthy articles.
Each of the three news organizations listed above provides a very curious reading experience to their readers. Each of them, through a series of strange decisions, have made it pretty clear that readers aren’t their primary customers. Instead, they’re the product being sold to their real customers: advertisers. The experience delivered to their readers tells this tale better than anything I could write.
Consider the steps required for consuming an article on the website of these three major publishers.
The experience of going from an external source like Facebook to an article on the Wall Street Journal unfolds exactly like how you would expect it to, unfortunately:
Maybe the world’s “paper of record” will take a different approach to delivering the news:
What about the publication now owned by Jeff Bezos (of Amazon fame). The guy who also founded Blue Origin, an “aerospace manufacturer, and spaceflight services” company. Surely, delivering the news isn’t as complicated as space travel:
I guess serving up the news is as difficult as space travel. Minus one for WashPo.
In total, I clicked three advertisements. All three times, I accidentally clicked and had no intention of clicking on an advertisement. I’m not against ads (I don’t even rock an ad blocker), but in each case, the products being delivered to me were either irrelevant or for products I already use (Hi Enbridge, I’m a customer. I’ve taken advantage of your Nest rebate already. Why are you paying to target me?).
Three articles. Three ads clicked. Zero intention of clicking an ad. If the goal was to trap me in a sticky ecosystem where I click on advertisements instead of read the news, all three publishers above have succeeded.
Maybe this is part of some larger Machiavellian scheme, or maybe the ad technology still isn’t quite there yet for these industry leading publishers; I can’t be sure anymore. That said, in all three cases the publisher got paid for advertisement clicks, but I had the luxury of getting more annoyed with each test. I only read one of the three articles, despite being genuinely interested in each.
Publishers shouldn’t be surprised that most people now get their news from headlines, instead of the detailed information in an article. They also shouldn’t be surprised that people no longer want to leave the confines of the platform for these news websites. Media companies have designed a system where the cost of clicking a link is too big of a burden for readers.
Here’s how the experience should have unfolded:
I shouldn’t need an ad blocker to survive online. We had this stuff all figured out back in the mid-2000s. We’ve only made things more complicated since then. Are we really all that surprised that ad blocking has exploded, given the current state of content consumption online?
This approach isn’t working anymore.
It’s time we get back to our web roots and leave this ad honeypot behind for Pooh, because right now the current content experience on the web offers so little that it’s basically best described as A.A Milne’s character’s name.
That’s about all it’s worth, anyway.